How to get better customers?

I kim tak właściwie oni są? Czy nie zastanawiało Cię nigdy, kto jest dla Ciebie najlepszym Klientem? Takim, który pomoże rozwinąć Ci skrzydła? Jeżeli nie, zachęcamy do przeczytania notki poniżej – spróbujemy rozjaśnić tam parę istotnych kwestii.

I kim tak właściwie oni są? Czy nie zastanawiało Cię nigdy, kto jest dla Ciebie najlepszym Klientem? Takim, który pomoże rozwinąć Ci skrzydła? Jeżeli nie, zachęcamy do przeczytania notki poniżej – spróbujemy rozjaśnić tam parę istotnych kwestii.

Each client is perfect for me.

Great! This approach is important because we should treat each client exceptionally and take care of their service at the highest level. Regardless of whether he comes to us for a project entitled „I will not earn on it, I will lose sooner, but I will get a satisfied customer” or for a project that will take us to a different financial level and ensure our existence for many months. In each of the above-mentioned cases, we should take care of the relationship with our clients. But this does not prevent us from considering a better customer for us.

A customer and a better customer.

Let’s go back to our example from the previous paragraph. We have two extreme types of clients listed there, i.e. someone who comes to us for a small service or product, on which we will not earn (but of course we will serve it) – let’s call him a low-margin client, and a client who will allow the entire company to earn, because the order will be large, long-term or permanent, and financially beneficial for the company – let’s call it a prospering client.

As an example, consider a service company – a printing house.

For them, the low-margin customer will be the customer ordering 100 pieces of business cards. They will accept the order, perform it on a level, but there is a high probability that the client will not necessarily come back with more work. On the other hand, a customer who, for example, runs several hotels with restaurants, can be prospering when he will often order larger quantities of printouts, from menu cards, through hangers for door handles, folders and much more. In addition, it will provide our printing house with an inflow of regular orders (excluding exceptional situations such as pandemic times).

Why did we call him a prospering client? Because by serving fewer customers of this type compared to low-margin customers, we are able to generate more profit for the company – which will result in faster and greater development for the company. You do not have to give up entirely on low-margin customers – but try to change their percentage value so that the number of prospering customers prevails over low-margin customers.

What does the client receive? In short: apart from the product and service itself, it will also receive the highest level of service. Both sides will be won.

Who is the better customer for my company?

There is no clear answer to this question. It is always worth analyzing your existing customers. Who gives us the most orders? On whom can the company really earn? What kind of clients would we like to have more or which we would like to reach at all?

We will not do this job for you – but we can guide you appropriately and together find a better customer profile for you. What’s more, we will help you reach them with the right tools. What could be such a tool? Professional and thoughtful visual identification, an appropriate advertising campaign, building brand awareness, a new website or professional photo session of your product or team.

There are many possibilities, our task is to guide you through them and help you achieve the goal of acquiring better customers – within the time and budget assumed together. You don’t know how to start? Make an appointment for a free online consultation. Write or call us, and together we will choose a convenient date.